Myrtle Beach
Downtown Master Plan
In July of 2018 the City undertook a master planning process to determine a clear path for the revitalization of Downtown Myrtle Beach. Over the next 8 months the general public was engaged in a variety of ways. In addition to opportunities at monthly DRC and City Council meetings, over 100 individuals were engaged through an initial series of small group listening sessions. Among others, the listening groups included business and property owners and operators, real estate professionals, developers, Coastal Carolina University, Horry-Georgetown Technical College, Economic Development, and potential investors. The resulting plan was adopted by City Council in March 2019. Phase 1 Implementation Updates are given to City Council each month. The Downtown Development Office, City Managers, and Department Heads meet each month to review the update presentation together. The City has placed a high level of importance on establishing this cross-functional team dedicated to the necessary collaboration and communication it will take to execute the Downtown Master Plan vision.
To stay up-to-date on everything happening in our area that pertains to our partners and Horry County, follow us on Facebook and Instagram. For more information about the Myrtle Beach Regional Economic Development Corporation, contact us at [email protected] or (843) 347-4604.