September 2020 Newsletter

Sep 30th, 2020

2020 Top States for Doing Business Showcase Their Pro-Business Environments
Despite changes brought by the COVID-19 pandemic, the states across the South seem to have all their ducks in a row when it comes to attracting business.
Steve Kaelble, Staff Editor, Area Development
It would be easy to look at current economic statistics and conclude that we may as well remove words such as “business growth” and “expansion” from our collective vocabularies for the time being. On a macro level, the economy is anything but healthy, thanks to the coronavirus. And yet there are plenty of individual businesses that continue to expand or relocate to desirable places.
Read more….





South Carolina Department of Commerce


The South Carolina Economic Outlook is a monthly publication of the South Carolina Department of Commerce’s Division of Research.  It provides the latest news and indicators on the state’s economy and labor market. Click here to view the latest South Carolina Economic Outlook.




Myrtle Beach
Downtown Master Plan

In July of 2018 the City undertook a master planning process to determine a clear path for the revitalization of Downtown Myrtle Beach. Over the next 8 months the general public was engaged in a variety of ways. In addition to opportunities at monthly DRC and City Council meetings, over 100 individuals were engaged through an initial series of small group listening sessions. Among others, the listening groups included business and property owners and operators, real estate professionals, developers, Coastal Carolina University, Horry-Georgetown Technical College, Economic Development, and potential investors. The resulting plan was adopted by City Council in March 2019.  Phase 1 Implementation Updates are given to City Council each month.  The Downtown Development Office, City Managers, and Department Heads meet each month to review the update presentation together.  The City has placed a high level of importance on establishing this cross-functional team dedicated to the necessary collaboration and communication it will take to execute the Downtown Master Plan vision.



To stay up-to-date on everything happening in our area that pertains to our partners and Horry County, follow us on Facebook and Instagram. For more information about the Myrtle Beach Regional Economic Development Corporation, contact us at [email protected] or (843) 347-4604.



Upcoming Events


MBREDC Fall Social
Thursday, October 8, 5:00-7:00 pm
Hosted by
Culinary Institute of Myrtle Beach
Horry Georgetown Technical College
920 Crabtree Lane
Myrtle Beach, SC 29577
RSVP by October 1, 2020

2020 Community Forum
Thursday, October 29, 9:00-12:00
Virtual Event
Registration details to follow

MBREDC Annual Meeting
Friday, January 8, 2021
Marina Inn at Grande Dunes





Partner News

HGTC Announces Construction on
Grand Strand Campus

Horry-Georgetown Technical College (HGTC) is excited to inform the entire community and especially those living in the Market Common area that construction is underway on the Grand Strand Campus. The Campus located in the heart of Myrtle Beach at 743 Hemlock Avenue is undergoing a major transformation and modernization of the facilities this year.

The project will consist of renovating three academic and administrative buildings, enhancing the existing storm water drainage systems, and modernizing the telecommunications infrastructure. The Campus transformation will also include significant renovations to the existing landscaping and overall pedestrian/vehicular flow infrastructures.

To read more about the project click here



New & Renewing Partners





MBREDC Partners that offer Cleaning and Disinfectant Services:

A&I Fire & Water Restoration
Carolina Cool
FSA – Full Steam Ahead

MBREDC Partners that offer PPE (Personal Protection Equipment)/Essential items:

Allegra Marketing – Basic Virus Signage
Carolina Food Service
Cool Ideas Marketing
FSI Office
Integra Fabrics
Proforma Marketing

*An email was sent out on May 8th requesting MBREDC partners to reply back if they offered these services/products. If you would like to be included on our website list please email [email protected]


COVID-19 resources for businesses are constantly changing.

If you need more assistance with available resources please visit this up-to-date site at:
COVID-19 Resources



MBREDC Chairman’s Partners





Copyright © 2017 | Myrtle Beach Regional Economic Development Corporation
 All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
P.O. Box 261966
Conway, South Carolina 29526

(843) 347 – 4604

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